Kunstprosjektet ORD og STED ønsker å sette fokus på Ludwig Wittgensteins relevans for samtida og samtidskunsten, tekst og ord i billedkunst og det stedsspesifikke. A project inspired by the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Initiativtaker til prosjektet og administrator/kurator: Aud Marit Skarrebo Holmen. Med-administrator/med-kurator: Karen Helga Maurstig https://www.ordogsted.no/


20 Coastal Stations

20 Coastal Stations - An international Japanese woodblock printing technique project, curated by Elisabet Alsos Strand and Karen Helga Maurstig. Eit internasjonalt tresnittprosjekt kuratert av Elisabet Alsos Strand and Karen Helga Maurstig Catalogue

KUR Kunst utan rom

KUNST UTAN ROM (KUR) – Art without a room, was an independent group of artists, active from 2011 until 2016. The aim was to develop a non-bureaucratic and artist-run alternative to the professional art scene in Sogn og Fjordane. Through various projects, we wished to make artistic activity visible, and create an arena for experimentation and interaction. NRK (8. mars 2012 - på slutten av Vestlandsrevyen) Firda (8. mars 2012)

Fire Friheters Fanzine collaboration with Bess Frimodig

SEANSE Volda Rita Slotterøy , Artistic advisor at Seanse – Art Centre gave the following feedback.

«The Fourth Freedom Fanzine- workshop is a great example on a project that allows the participants’ involvement on several levels, from learning a craft, creating art, to the expression of thought – the freedom of speech. Working with refugee minors in making a fanzine, like we experienced at Seanse in Volda, creates a lot of meaning. Especially in a situation where a new language might be inadequate, printmaking and collage work can become another language through one can express oneself.” (photo, copyright Seanse)


Visuell kunst-happening som vert vist i filmen er utvikla av Ingjerd Monsen Hjelmeland og Karen Helga Maurstig/ An art project for age 3-5, the visual art part in this video was developed by Ingjerd Monsen Hjelmeland and Karen Helga Maurstig.